Not least the politicians in the world solely through political circles and the beauty of its apparent failure to meet the demands of some of their fans are forced to leave the world's full of the mysteryKnown only by the beauty of a face that looks into the political arena are not introduced. Those who might normally have no place in politics.
20. Yulia Tymoshenko – Prime Minister of Ukraine
Ukrainian politician failed. He lists more than other women to enter politics because of their appearance is known.
19. Stephanie Herseth – U.S.A., Congress
18. Julia Bonk – Germany, Parliament
17. Belinda Stronach – Canada, House of Commons
16. Anna Maria Galojan – Estonia, Representative*
When Anna Maria Galojan was accused of stealing money and using them on beauty products, she posed for Playboy in protest. It does not make much sense, but that is our type of lady.
15. Yuri Fujikawa – Japan, Assembly
14. Toireasa Ferris – Ireland, Council
13. Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez – Mexico, Congress
** Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez should get extra points on the list because she owns a strip club, but we are straight by the numbers at AFM so her rating was not affected. You have to love Mexico. This is feminism or capitalism at its finest.
12. Kashmala Tariq – Pakistan, Parliament
10. Luciana Leon – Peru, Parliament
9. Mary Bono Mack – U.S.A., Congress
8. Sethrida Geagea – Lebanon, Parliament
His wife is a famous Lebanese politician Samir Geagea. He has high popularity in Lebanon.
7. Eunice Olsen – Singapore, Parliament
6. Ruby Dhalla – Canada, House of Commons
Canadian politician. He also has experience playing in Bollywood.
5. Emma Kiernan – Ireland, Council
Irish politician. His personal life is not good and beautiful in appearance led to a large number of young Irish win.
4. Orly Levy – Israel, Legislature
3. Eva Kaili – Greece, Parliament
2. Mara Carfagna – Italy, Member of the Chamber of Deputies
1. Alina Kabaeve – Russia, State Deputy
Russian politician. He was until 2007 part of the Russian gymnastics team, and then found a second way.